Friday, February 4, 2011


She has begun waking up several times a night after many months of sleeping through the night. She's been doing it for a whole week now and I again feel like a zombie. We've all had a very hard week.

Jon is still crunching. He was supposed to be done on Monday, but it's Friday and they are still crunching. :( I am really just hoping he has this weekend off.

On Tuesday Jon's Grandpa Glenn passed away. I have my fingers crossed that Jon won't have to work this weekend so that we can join a cousins family in driving up to Orlando to visit his Grandma.

Then on Wednesday our hedgehog, Spiney Norman, passed away. To say the least, this week has sucked.

BUT I do have some cute pictures!
Zelda loves to eat her feet, especially in the bath.

And here she is getting frustrated at the giraffe on her exersaucer for not going in her mouth!


  1. Zelda might be getting some teeth. Either that, or she might be practicing a new skill. It's tough when they do that to you. Sorry about your hedgie. :(

  2. Sorry for your rough week. I am grateful for the 3am word feud games though!

    P.S. You should be getting something fun in the mail sometime soon.
