Friday, March 11, 2011

Zelda Friday!

My mom is in town visiting from Dallas. Everyone was talking about how much sleep I will be getting. But I am getting even less sleep because I want to hang out with my mom when the baby is napping. And I usually take a 20 minute to 2 hour nap, depending on how long Zelda naps for. But we are having a lot of fun!

If you are friends with me on facebook you probably know Jon and I are in the process of buying house! I don't want to jinx it, but let me tell you what a complete headache it is. We are almost content with being renters forever, almost.

Zelda wants to know if this is what 'fun' looks like. Courtesy of her dad.

Trying to get a close up of her two teeth, didn't really turn out. Those are avocados, not boogers.

Loving Aunt Liz's tag blanket!