Friday, December 3, 2010

Zelda Friday

Zelda is getting really hard to entertain. She only stays occupied for maybe 10 minutes and then starts fussing because she's bored. Except for I don't know what she wants! Well for Christmas my parents got her this exersaucer. It would really help the explanation of it if I had a picture, but I haven't taken one yet so I'll try my best to explain. It's like a playpen full of toys on a saucer and she sit in the middle. Needless to say, she loves it! She doesn't play with any of the toys on it yet, but she likes talking to them. She also has a bumbo that she sits in and she seems to like that as well. I have a picture of her in the bumbo. She loves looking at everything and just taking it all in!


  1. Leyton went through that stage too. Then he'd fall in love with something and a day later hate it. It can drive a mom batty! She sure is a cutie!

  2. Thanks! I hope she learns sign language real soon and will tell me stuff. I keep trying to show her signs, but I don't think she is getting it!

  3. "She only stays occupied for maybe 10 minutes and then starts fussing because she's bored."

    Sounds like Andrew! :)

  4. I know what you mean ... my little guy is 3 and a half months and he's started to get annoyed with things after a few moments which can get really frustrating for me, especially when I'm trying to do errands around the house. He only want mommy to play with him. I actually tried videotaping myself talking to him and played it on the laptop for him and he talks back to the computer.. haha.

    for a dinner prep or laundry run, it's a good quick fix.

  5. Oh my gosh, that is such a good idea! I'm totally going to have to try that. Even if it doesn't work, it will be super funny.
